The calla lillies bloom and the bears come out of hibernation.
Lost Bootie
Did you lose a red bootie? It's sitting atop the fire hydrant at the corner of 13th Ave and 80th Street.
Better Meat Co.
There's something essentially Ballard about the Better Meat Co. This isn't a grandstanding community. Too much Nordic reserve. We wouldn't trust a store that beat its drum too loudly. "Tenderloins-So-Tender-They-Fall-Apart-With-A-Hard-Stare Meat Co." would ring false here. It's enough to be the Better Meat Co.
Ballard's statue of Liefr Eiriksson. I'd have gotten closer but the state legislature passed a law prohibiting upskirt photos.
Red-Wing Blackbird
Believe it or not, this is a real bird, not some stuffed stiff in a museum. There are many red-wings down at Golden Gardens park and they get pretty used to people. This one allowed me to take over a dozen shots. Here the camera is about five feet away with the 10x zoom lens. A bit too much flash, I suppose--sorry, Mr Blackbird.
Jeanne's Compost
You think this is impressive, you should have seen it the day after she had it delivered. Twice the size you see here. Jeanne's serious about compost, you betcha!
Friday Cat Blogging: Entity's Feet
Entity has six toes on his front paws. Weird they may be, nonetheless his feet hold up his front just fine.
Women Log Rollers
Winlock is also proud of its World Champion Women Log Rollers. Many Winlockians make their living in the timber industry and they like to play with logs on their off time. For some it's more than play. It's serious competition.
World's Largest Egg
We removed from Ballard for the weekend and found ourselves passing through Winlock. They raise a few chickens around Winlock and they're mighty proud of it.
Friday Cat Blogging: Pickles On Parade
Pickles is Entity's big brother. Sort of. Adoptive, I guess is the word. He's an old guy, about 15 years, but look at him stride down the sidewalk. All four paws lined up--this cat thinks he's in a parade!
So Long, Cleo
We leave Cleopatra Avenue with this picture of of red leaves against a blue sky. It's a nice street, this Cleopatra Ave., and if you're ever in the neighborhood, you should stop by and say hi.
Cleopatra Ave Tulip Festival
Well, it's a lot smaller than the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival going on up north of here but it's a lot quieter on Cleopatra Avenue.
Cleopatra Avenue NW
Hands down the best street name in Ballard. Cleopatra Avenue runs north/south between 65th and 73rd Streets. There's quite an eclectic collection of houses dating from the 20s to the 80s along Cleopatra but we saw no cats this day.
A classic Puget Sound fishing boat, the Ko-Ko was docked at Fisherman's Terminal right outside the window of Chinooks.
Sunday Dinner
After making Sunday brunch for friends, the kitchen staff at Ballard Avenue went out on a wildcat strike. They'll do that from time to time. Mind you, they're very good cooks and all; it's just that like all artists, they're tempermental.
Recognizing the situation was beyond negotiation, we went to Chinook's, a seafood restaurant at Fisherman's Terminal. This is all that remains of Oyster Pot Pie with asparagus and fried potatoes and a glass of Hogue Cellars pinot grigio. Yum!
Friday Cat Blogging: Half 'n' Half
It's been a nasty week, weather-wise. Lots of rain, lots of wind, and no cats silly enough to be outside in it. Hence no new cat pictures. We turn to Ballard Avenue's archives for this shot of Frida and Emma, or more precisely, the top half of Frida and the bottom half of Emma. We tried Photoshopping one cat from two but it just didn't work out.