A while back we ran some pictures of Ballard yard critters. Here's another.
Friday cat: Rexy's missing
Scruffy went missing for a week once and it was terrible. We sure hope Rexy finds his way home.
Lidia Kaminska
Let's make one thing clear: We don't exactly go trolling the vast internet for pictures of topless women playing the accordion, but damned if they don't pop up from time to time. Here's the fabulous Lidia Kaminska who has her bayan (Russian button accordion) right where you want it.
Needs a splashblock
It appears the folks at 2244 didn't get over to pick up that free splashblock we saw awhile back. You shouldn't let opportunity slip by!
Friday cat: Ballard Lion
We return to Ballard to find a Ballard lion guarding his Ballard home as surely as the Art Institute lions guard theirs.
Chicago Interlude: Baggage claim
"Sorry ma'am, your bags will be on the next flight. The airline just sent us the baggage tubs."
Chicago Interlude: Live bait
Whilst driving through the American Heartland, we found this incredible vending machine in Norway, Illinois. That's right, it sells live bait. We think it was offering worms to go but none of us were ready to put up quarters to find out.
Chicago Interlude: Chess Party
It was a warm night at Grant Park, so why not have a chess party? The big guy in the t-shirt brings the tables, you bring your game.
Chicago Interlude: Friday cat
We even found a Friday Cat in Chicago. This lion, and his partner on the other side of the steps, help guard the priceless collection of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Chicago Interlude: Pink Line
It takes a city secure in itself to christen a new rapid transit service the "Pink Line" and then paint some of the cars Pepto-Bismol pink.
Chicago interlude: Loyola Park beach
Chicago's miles of Lake Michigan beaches and parks are the city's jewels. You can be sure they'll be crowded today. What rich smells there will be! Lighter fluid, sweat, sunscreen, burned hot dogs—it's too bad we don't have Smell-O-Blog installed here.
Chicago Interlude: Wrigley vendor
What better place to start a Chicago interlude than at Wrigley Field and what better way to do it than with an ice cold Old Style Beer?