We're going away to a place without daffodils, but we'll be back soon.
Swan politics
How can you tell a swan's politics? Let's see...
Republican swan.
Democratic swan.
absolutely and positively not Photoshopped photos by Ballard Avenue
Boat race: Ballard to Yokohama
The little ones are quicker off the mark, but in this race you'd put your money on the big guy.
Friday cat: Ginger
Pickles and Entity have a brother, Ginger, who all this time has somehow eluded our camera. Sorry, Ginger. You can run but you can't hide.
Sans people
For those Ballard Avenue loyalists (and we love you all) who prefer their photos uninhabited, here are some of the birch trees all by themselves.
We don't do people much here. Nothing personal, mind you. It's just not our thing. But for those beginning to think Ballard Avenue was a strangely de-populated place, here's a snapshot just for you.
Lost shirt
Looks like the person who lost their red bootie has also lost a red shirt. In case you're reading this, your shirt's on the fence at Sunset Hill Park.
Focus on crocus
They're so cute, the little crocuses (or croci, for our Latin readers). Tough little buggers, too. After weeks of rain and the biggest windstorm in years, these little guys still popped up over the weekend.
Friday Cat: Tuna breath
It rained over 12" in Ballard last month and since Ballard cats are so smart, we didn't see many of them out and about. So we turn to Cute Overload for our Friday fix. She's a cutie, all right, until you get a faceful of tuna breath.
Bainbridge Interlude: Trumpeters
There are two resident trumpeter swans on the Reserve. Here they are enjoying a bit of sun on the hillside above the pond. They reminded us of these birds.
Bainbridge Interlude: Willow
We went to Bainbridge Island to visit the Bloedel Reserve. You might not think a dreary January day would be very rewarding there, but the grounds are lovely anytime.